On this page, you will find all the information you need to:
- create a content wall
- send a daily summary
- activate the daily summary
- display social buttons on the contents of walls
- display and hide duplicates (duplicate contents)
- generate an RSS feed from a wall
- add sharing suggestions on content
It is important to note that this documentation is intended for “Platform” users of your platform. If you do not have this status, please contact the person in charge of your Limber platform.
What is a content wall?
A Content Wall allows you to gather all of your content and the content resulting from your curation or monitoring. Thanks to a set of keywords linked to a campaign, you can theme your Content Walls and gather a set of content on the same subject within them.
From an Employee Advocacy perspective, content walls are mainly intended to provide selected content for your employees (“Advocates”) to use to feed their social networks.
Creating a content wall
To create a Content Wall in Limber, go to the “Channels” page and click on “Add a Content Wall”.
You then access the module for creating the Content Wall. Several elements are then to be completed:
- The name of your Content Wall
- The Campaign with which you wish to associate your Content Wall
- The possibility of a content suggestion from Limber
You can also customize your Content Wall via the “Options” tab. You can:
- Customize the URL of your Content Wall. If you do not want to customize the URL of your Wall, Limber will automatically assign a numeric identifier to your wall.
- Customize the visual and aesthetic aspect of your Content Wall via Templates that you have previously configured.
Sending a daily summary
All platforms with permission to use Content Walls have the option to Send subscribers a daily summary of the content added to the subscribers at the platform level. This option is enabled by default.
The summary of the content added to the platform is sent every day at 5pm. The time is adapted to the time zone of each user. If the user has multiple licenses, he will receive one notification per license.

Activating the daily summary
In order to use this feature, click on your profile at the top to display the drop-down menu. Then click on the “Platform Management” entry. Then choose the “Settings” tab of the new page and go to the space reserved for the “Content Wall”. Once this is done, make sure that the option “Send a daily summary of the content added to the subscribers” is active.

Displaying social buttons
Several buttons are available on the content offered within the content walls: Limber, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, WhatsApp (Mobile), Instagram (Mobile), Email (Mobile) or SMS (Mobile).
In order to be able to choose which button(s) to display or not to display, go to the “Settings” tab of your “Platform Management” page. You can also choose not to display any buttons by disabling the “Show Sharing Buttons” option.

Once you have activated the desired buttons, you can find them by clicking on the “Share” button of the content within your content walls.

Displaying and Hiding duplicates
It is possible that you have the same content several times within a Content Wall. Indeed, several content sources can be linked to a Wall and a content can then be present several times.
To hide duplicates, simply click on the blue button at the top of the duplicate content. A module opens to ask you if you want to hide duplicates. Click on “Yes” to hide them from your Content Wall.

Generation of an RSS feed
You want to generate an RSS feed from a Content Wall? It’s possible! Go to the “Channels” page of your platform and choose the desired Content Wall. Click on the edit button at the end of the line and then on the “Edit” entry.
A module opens. Click on the “Options” button at the bottom of the module to display the URL customization and customize it.
Once this URL has been customized, your RSS feed can be obtained by adding “/rss.xml” at the end of the URL. Here, the RSS feed would be: https://app.limber.io/wall/limber/rss.xml

Suggestions for sharing on the contents of a Wall
This feature allows the PUBLISHER to define a list of suggestions on sharing content related to Content Walls. When content from the Wall is shared by an ADVOCATE user, the suggestions defined by the PUBLISHER will be proposed in a random order.
Adding suggestions on content
To define suggestions that will be proposed when sharing content from a Wall, you can:
- Define them during the planning of your shares
- Define them during the modification of a share on a Content Wall on the “Shares” page

A “Suggestion” button then appears at the bottom left of your share. Click as many times as you want on it to create as many suggestions as you want. You can create as many suggestions as you like for each channel. For example: 3 suggestions for Facebook, 5 for Twitter, 2 for LinkedIn and 7 for All Channels.

Then, you can create suggestions dedicated to a particular channel: only for Twitter, only for Facebook, only for LinkedIn. But you can also create a suggestion that can be published on “All Channels”.
Don’t forget to save once you have made your changes, and you’re done.