Automated Newsletters

Share pre-selected content via newsletters to the people you want.

Automated Newsletters

Share While Optimizing

Provide all the users of your platform with quick and easy access to content. Share all the information you want through automated newsletters.

Program recurring newsletters to push content to your collaborators. Company news, competition, upcoming events, everything they need to know.

Select and Automate

Make a regular selection of content that you can share internally or externally. Communicating with sector specific subjects also allows you to gain legitimacy with your stakeholders and leads alike, thanks to newsletters.

Personalize the newsletters produced on the platform with your company's colors. Immerse yourself in the design of your newsletters or directly import an HTML that respects your graphic style.

Automated Newsletters

Ready To Get Started?

With a solo-user access discover the features of Limber, for free, in our BASIC edition.
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