Delegation of Corporate Accounts

Relay your shares via your employees to optimize the social impact of your company.

Delegation of Corporate Accounts

Enhance Your Content

Enhance the social impact of your company and your brand. Increase visibility and make the most of the audience you have by effectively managing your corporate accounts.

In just a few clicks, allow your employees and partners to easily relay your content. Take advantage of your employees' business network and delegate your corporate accounts to have more sharing suggestions.

Control Your Ambassadors

Invite your employees and partners to connect their social accounts to your platform to greatly increase your audience. Turn them into true brand and company ambassadors in just a few clicks.

Let them choose the degree of moderation they wish to have on the shares you program for them. Three levels are available: total freedom, controlled freedom and automatic control.

Delegation of Corporate Accounts

Ready To Get Started?

With a solo-user access discover the features of Limber, for free, in our BASIC edition.
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